Meet this little cutie pie, Miss “C”, who just turned one years old. Isn’t she sweet? Once my camera came out, she didn’t want to give smiles easily, but I got some great ones that I know her parents will love. She’s just darling in pink!! I love bold bright colors! They photograph so well. The “cake smash” at the end of her photo session was so fun too! Enjoy your sneak peek, “S” family!

Ella Bella Photography – Newborn Photographer in Austin & San Antonio, Maternity, Baby, Child, Family
Ella Bella Photography - Austin & San Antonio Newborn Baby Photographer
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Just adorable! I love the second one!!
These are adorable! I love the bright bold colors too! The cake smash is positively sweet! What do you use as your background/set up for that?
Absolutely PRECIOUS!!