My favorite set of identical twinkies just turned one years old!! Their one year old photo session was filled with bluebonnets, kisses, songs, cupcakes and lollipops! So much fun! Enjoy your sneak peek, “D” family!!!

Ella Bella Photography – Newborn Photographer in Austin & San Antonio, Maternity, Baby, Child, Family
Ella Bella Photography - Austin & San Antonio Newborn Baby Photographer
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Love the picture of mom kissing her daughter – that is adorable! Beautiful colors in these pictures!
awww what a beautiful family and awesome location! LOVE the shot of mom kissing her baby!
What a gorgeous family and location! Love the colors. Beautiful.
Adorable!!! Just love the one with mama kissing her baby girl!!!
These are just sooo much fun! I love the bright colors of the lollipop shots…and the ones with their parents are just stunning!
Great shots! Wonderful clarity and color.
so so cute. i like the one of mom kissing one of the twins!
They are so adorable! Love the mommy kiss one – so precious!
such darling little girls! i love them all, but the black and white one is just perfect!
Such cute gals, and I just adore that last one.