Sweet baby “R” gave me the sweetest smiles last month during his newborn session! Here are a few of my favorites from his session! Still catching up on proofing this week – putting in lots of late nights with many more nights to come.Thank you for your continued patience!!!

Ella Bella Photography – Newborn Photographer in Austin & San Antonio, Maternity, Baby, Child, Family
Ella Bella Photography - Austin & San Antonio Newborn Baby Photographer
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What a gorgeous little baby. I love the way you have captured his gorgeous eyes.
Oh, just so adorable!
The last 2 are my favorite! Very cute!
Awwwww…what a doll. Great session!
Wow, isn’t he just a cutie. I love the smiles you captured from him too…I always love newborn smiles. I think that last one is my favorite…I just love the hat and smile and I truly can see how little he really is. Beautiful little boy!!
Wow! So sweet!!! LOVE the little smiles you’ve captured! Just precious!
So precious! Such sweet poses and I love the smile!
what perfect newborn images! i bet these make mom’s heart skip a beat!!!
Look at that sweet baby smile! Just gorgeous!
Holy wow, Elle! We can’t get enough of these. We love them all. You’ve captured our little guy in such a captivating way. Thank you!