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Precious Baby Girl { Austin Newborn Photographer } Ella Bella Photography

This gorgeous baby girl came to see me this week for her newborn session! That sweet face!!! Melts my heart!! I hope you enjoy her sneak peeks and the one with her big brother… swoon!!:)

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Vijaya - August 2, 2014 - 6:52 PM

Love these pictures of my babies! They came out great. Thanks Elle!

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Sweet Girl { Austin Newborn Photographer } Ella Bella Photography

I loved working with this beautiful baby earlier this week! She’s a doll!! I hope you enjoy her sneak peeks!!:)

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This Boy { Austin Baby & Newborn Photographer } Ella Bella Photography

This boy has the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen! I first met him and his sweet mommy at his newborn session one year ago and this weekend we met for his one year mini session! Lil guy gave me some great smiles and then decided he was D.O.N.E. with me. Ha! So we’ll be meeting again soon for round 2! I can’t wait!! Enjoy your sneak peeks!!:)

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She’s One! { Austin Baby & Newborn Photographer } Ella Bella Photography

I absolutely adore these two little girls!! It’s such a treat every time I get to photograph them!! Their outfits are always soooo cute!! Happy 1st Birthday to their sweet baby girl!! I hope you enjoy the sneak peeks!!:)gose-6338webgosesneak

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Adorable Maternity { Austin Newborn & Maternity Photographer } Ella Bella Photography

It was so fun meeting this adorable couple for their maternity session! They are expecting a sweet baby boy soon and wanted to capture this special time in their lives before they grow to a family of 3! I can’t wait to meet their new baby soon! Enjoy the sneak peeks!!:)

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Sweet Sisters { Austin Newborn Photographer } Ella Bella Photography

These new sisters are just as cute as can be! I know they are going to be best friends in the years to come. I hope you enjoy the sneak peeks!!:)



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