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God so loved the world { Austin Newborn Posing Photographer }

Of all the ways God could have saved humanity, He chose to send

a baby, born in a manger.

Babies represent new life, new hope and new beginning.

Jesus humbled Himself and put on flesh in the form of an infant,

from birth to death, lived fully human and fully God.

He paid the price.

I am thankful for the baby, laying in a manger,

who changed everything in my life.

Happy Birthday Jesus.

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Pure Joy { Austin Newborn Posing Photographer }

This sweet baby girl is my 92nd newborn I have photographed in 2011.
What a year it’s been! I am so blessed!
Thank you to all of my sweet clients who trusted me with their babies’ first portraits.
Looking forward to more newborn joy in 2012 and big plans on the horizon as well… more about that soon!:)

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Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice { Austin Newborn Posing Photographer }

… that’s what baby girls are made of.:)

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mollie - December 18, 2011 - 10:13 AM

these are truly angelic! adorable!

Jeni - December 18, 2011 - 2:39 PM

These are so sweet! I love your blankets and headbands. You do such a great job coordinating. The first one is my favorite! She looks so content.

Ili - December 18, 2011 - 3:00 PM

What a beautiful precious baby girl!! Love the feet one as well, too cute!

Tessa Rice - December 18, 2011 - 8:30 PM

BEAUTIFUL! I simply adore these. Excellent work!

Lynn - December 19, 2011 - 6:16 AM

So pretty and feminine! I love all these. That last crown hairband is adorable.

Susan Bartolini - December 19, 2011 - 10:02 AM

Wow…stunning newborn session. I love your soft processing and the variety of shots. The first one is just stunning.

Charlotte - December 19, 2011 - 1:54 PM

Gorgeous work, your posing is wonderful and love your variety in these.

Liz - December 20, 2011 - 5:37 AM

How beautiful! I love every one of them…so soft and angelic! Gorgeous, gorgeous session!

Amanda - December 20, 2011 - 11:47 AM

Awww….these are simply DARLING photographs. Your sessions are always flawless.

Kristin Tatem - December 20, 2011 - 8:57 PM

Everyone one of these are absolutely stunning. Such beautiful lighting and composition!

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Glowing in Anticipation { Austin Maternity Photographer }

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Mariah Milan - December 18, 2011 - 1:38 AM

Connie you look so beautiful! Love these images. Beautifully captured, Elle!

Chrissy Torney - December 18, 2011 - 3:52 AM

Oh, so pretty and beeeeautiful light too x

Alexis - December 18, 2011 - 8:49 AM

I love the glowy light! Very lovely:)

Lynn - December 18, 2011 - 9:26 AM

Oh, what sweet pictures! I love the one with the boy and the flower. He’s going to make a great big brother!

Jeni - December 18, 2011 - 2:35 PM

I love the lighting in these. That first one is magical!

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Hope { Austin Newborn Posing Photographer }

“What gives me the most hope every day is God’s grace;
knowing that his grace is going to give me the strength for whatever I face,
knowing that nothing is a surprise to God.” ~ Rick Warren

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Valentina - December 13, 2011 - 8:24 AM

These are so beautiful! I am so happy for Chelsee that her sweet Hope is finally here!!! The pictures could not be any more beautiful!!

Lisa Holloway - December 13, 2011 - 9:14 AM

These are absolutely stunning…what a sweet, perfect baby girl. I LOVE the angel baby shot…so sweet!

Lindy Mowery - December 13, 2011 - 9:40 AM


Katherine Durham - December 13, 2011 - 10:56 AM

These are absolutely gorgeous!! Wow! The parents must be in love with these!

Emily - December 13, 2011 - 11:43 AM

What an adorable little girl! She looks like a doll! Love her little toes.

Tiffany Bender - December 13, 2011 - 8:35 PM

LOVE that first head piece…what great variety of this beautiful little girl!

Megan - December 13, 2011 - 9:28 PM

Wow, you are truly are amazing. These are absolutely gorgeous!

Lynn - December 14, 2011 - 7:15 AM

Just beautiful. Both the baby and the pictures. She has such a sweet little face!

Amanda - December 16, 2011 - 3:37 PM

WOW these are just awesome! I love them all but that first shot really takes the cake!

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Already Famous { Austin Newborn Posing Photographer }

Baby Levi was just 8 days old during his first newborn session and first television appearance.:)Our local CBS station KEYE TV filmed me for a newborn photography segment on the show “Austin Live” – such an honor and Levi’s newborn session couldn’t have gone any better! He’s a tiny superstar already! The television segment will air on KEYE TV in Austin on December 5th in the 4pm hour. If you missed it, I will put up a link where you can view it online soon! Until then, enjoy Levi’s adorable newborn sneak peeks!

View the behind the scenes pictures from Levi’s newborn session on my Facebook wall here!

Here is the link to the television segment!! (Parts 1 and 2):  Austin Live Online

Austin Newborn Photographer - KEYE TV - Austin Live



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Stephanie - December 6, 2011 - 12:36 AM

So sweet! I love the Christmas hats! Congrats on the TV appearance too!

Lynn - December 6, 2011 - 3:56 AM

What a fabulous Christmassy set up. These are just gorgeous. I love that first one!

Lila - December 6, 2011 - 9:32 AM

What a gorgeous baby, and these portraits couldn’t be any more perfect. Fabulous work!!

Shellie - December 6, 2011 - 1:07 PM

Wow, these are beautiful! The family must be so thrilled. The baby is so cute and your lighting and the expressions you have captured are so perfect!

Claire - December 6, 2011 - 8:32 PM

awwww what a gorgeous little guy! I love the last pic! His parents must be thrilled with these!

Trina - December 6, 2011 - 9:59 PM

aww what a beautiful baby! I love all the Christmas touches you added to the session. Wonderful work!

Kori - December 7, 2011 - 12:31 PM

So cute! Love that snowman hat and the cute little smile you captured!

Lynn/PA - December 9, 2011 - 12:53 PM

Absolute perfection! You are amazing! Congratulations!

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