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My baby

Just a quick snapshot of my little dude I took with the diaper cam this past weekend. I just love those two little teeth! He’ll be 10 months old next week. Still not even attempting to crawl or scoot around. He’s content to sit there and play, or roll around (one direction). He loves bath time with his brother. He’s a great eater and ate real macaroni and cheese tonight! He’s crying now so I better go check on him. I love you sweet boy!

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Lisa - January 27, 2009 - 3:58 PM

Awesome shot! Love his little coat.

crystal - January 29, 2009 - 2:01 PM

Hayden is soo cute! :O) Love the jacket!

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My Valentine | Austin Children’s Photographer

Hunter turned 27 months old this month. He’s talking up a storm now. Such a change from just 4 months ago. He just started telling me “I love you” too. I’ve waited soooo long to hear that!

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Lisa - January 26, 2009 - 7:53 PM

These are so cute! I love Hayden’s little do!!

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6 days old | Austin Newborn Photographer

On Saturday, I got to hold and photograph precious baby “S” who weighs all of 6 lbs and was 6 days old. His new mommy and daddy warned me about what a light sleeper he’s been but after about 30 minutes of position changing and shushing, he learned to sleep through his first professional photo session. I got so many great photos of him and his proud parents! Enjoy your sneak peak, “G” family! Your gallery will be ready later this week. Congrats on your beautiful son!

PS. Today is my 7th Wedding Anniversary!!! I’ve been married to my sweetie for *seven* years today! (Last year we actually forgot about our anniversary until a week afterwards, so this year I wanted to make sure that doesn’t happen again!) hehe Happy Anniversary Nathan!!

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Mandi - January 19, 2009 - 11:38 AM

What a precious baby!! I love the ones of the baby in the “bowl”, it looks like he is in a little fruit dish on a dining room table which makes him look EXTRA tiny! Great shots!

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Hayden is 9.5 months old!

Hayden is two weeks away from turning 10 months old. His first year of life has literally flown by. I was looking back at some of his baby pictures tonight and it feels like yesterday that I took them. Hayden has been with us in person longer than he was with me in the womb. I’ve always thought the 9 month old “birthday” was a special one because it marks the same amount of time spent outside the womb as spent inside. What an amazing little boy he is already. So loving and cuddly. He loves to give hugs and kisses. He can drink through a straw already! He adores his big brother and I think he actually misses him when Hunter is at preschool everyday. He’s a mommy’s boy. I love this phase of development. Tonight while I was bathing him, I was singing and he started bopping his body up and down – dancing to my song. That’s the first time I’ve seen him “dance”. Such a sweetie pie.

Here are a few pics I took of him yesterday in our bathroom. The sun light was hitting his face and making his eyes sparkle. I grabbed my camera to see if I could take a few pics of him in that light.

I love his smile…

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Lisa - January 17, 2009 - 12:10 AM

I love how expressive Hayden is. Look at those teeth! He is getting so big!!

Jessica - January 17, 2009 - 8:37 AM

Just adorable! I can’t believe how fast the time is going with our 2nd little ones…crazy! I love Hayden’s little teeth popping up!!

Beth - January 17, 2009 - 10:19 AM

I love how much he’s changed… same for mine. They could be little pals! Is he all over the place crawling too?

Pascua Family - January 19, 2009 - 10:03 AM

He is gorgeous!!! Hunter & Hayden are just precious and so beautiful!!!
Happy Anniversary too!!

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One more from the other day

I’m getting one of my previous sessions ready for the lab tonight and fell in love with this photo all over again. I love the look of love on his mother’s face and the sparkle in his eyes…

Speaking of love, Valentine’s day is a month away!:-)

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Happy New(born) Year | Austin Newborn Photographer

Happy New Year!!! I can’t believe it’s now 2009! Today I met baby “L” who is 13 days old. He was so sweet and sleepy, a perfect little angel for his photography session! I *love* photographing newborns. Love. Love. Love it! Enjoy your sneak peek!

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Jessica - January 5, 2009 - 10:28 AM

Great job on these! That little guy is just beautiful! I love the 2nd one with his lips!!! Cute cute cute! I have that same blanket (bought it for Chase’s newborn pics!). :)

Mandy - January 5, 2009 - 1:47 PM

Elle– you have been blessed with such a talent! I am so thankful to have these beautiful pictures of our precious son!!! You have captured such a sweet moment for us– what a gift!!!

Laura Beynon - January 5, 2009 - 7:42 PM

Elle: These are amazing! All I can say is I wish you lived closer to me!

crystal - January 6, 2009 - 1:50 PM

Good Job Elle! :O) He is such a handsome little guy!! Congrats to the parents :O)

Carolyn - January 6, 2009 - 8:33 PM

what a doll! thanks for sharing these photos! blessings to you in the new year too!

Katie - January 16, 2009 - 10:40 AM

Hey Elle!!! Great job on the newborn shots … I have one next week (my first) and am really excited! I’ll be doing them all in studio. Did you take these at their home? Natural light? I hope to use my softbox and some props ~ any suggestions? THANKS!

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