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Baby Blocks

My SIL is expecting her first girl next month and I finally got her photo session album done today! Just sharing one more from it…

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Baby name meaning and origin for Abella - November 23, 2008 - 9:17 PM

[...] Ella Bella Photography ” Blog Archive ” Baby Blocks [...]

Wendy - March 20, 2009 - 5:34 PM

I love this shot! Where were the blocks found in that bright of color? I’ve not seen any like these in that color. Did she just handpaint some natural blocks maybe?

admin - March 20, 2009 - 10:49 PM

They are alphabet blocks from Walmart! :-)

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Too Cute

Just a quick pic to show you how much cuteness was at the Ella Bella Portrait party yesterday! I’ll be posting all the portrait party sneak peeks this week so stay tuned!

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Katie - October 27, 2008 - 3:33 PM

Aw … that’s too cute. We should stuff out big boys into something together and see what happens! J/K.

Glad the portrait party went well. I’m dying to see all the shots you got. I’m sure there were some major cuties there. :)

Dawn - October 28, 2008 - 9:01 AM

Wow!I had been on vacation and did not realized that you “moved” your personal blog over. Your photos are great!-But, MY GOODNESS your two cuties have grown so much just a few weeks!

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Miss “L”

After having to reschedule, I finally got to visit the Talley family and photograph 12.5 month old Miss “L” – isn’t she beautiful in her tutu? She took a fall at daycare and bruised her forehead earlier in the week – but I bet you didn’t notice until I told ya!:-)Photoshop makes boo boos all better. I’m working on the rest of your photo session! There are so many cute pictures!

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Stephanie - October 21, 2008 - 12:31 AM

Ok…these pictures are all INCREDIBLE!!! Next time we’re up your way I’m calling you!!!! I want pictures like this of my kids!!!!

Crys - October 21, 2008 - 11:40 AM

I love these!!! They are wonderful! All of the pictures. :O) Great JOB!

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Big Brother

Here’s a quick sneak peek for the Spain family. I had the privilege of photographing their young family last week – a 3 year old boy, an 18 month old girl and a 3 month old baby girl. A very blessed family! I’m working on all your other proofs – they will be ready by next week!

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Pumpkin Patch

I’m proofing photos from THREE sessions in the last 8 days so bare with me if you’re still waiting on your sneak peeks – they are coming! But for now, I am taking a short break to show you highlights of our weekend trip to the pumpkin patch…

I was super excited when I saw my friend Andrea, her DH and her adorable twins at the same pumpkin patch! They live in College Station, but were here in Austin for a cancer walk-a-thon fundraiser! We lined up the babies and got some fun pictures!:-)

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Mel - October 19, 2008 - 11:29 PM

Adorable Elle! Good luck with the promising new business!! :)

Jessica - October 20, 2008 - 6:54 AM

How fun!! :)

Hollie - October 21, 2008 - 3:36 AM

Those are so cute. I don’t think I realized Hayden had so much hair, he always has a cute little hat on his head. Great shots!!

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Miss “C”

Going through recent sessions tonight! Here’s a portrait of beautiful 22 month old Miss “C”. Her mom and I are good friends and I invited them over for an impromptu mini session last week! This was my favorite one from that day…

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Suzanne B - October 18, 2008 - 1:42 PM

Great, popping color! Very nice photo.

S - October 20, 2008 - 12:47 PM

De-lurking to comment on this photo. . . I just love it! What a cute little girl!

I stumbled across your prior blog through a link on someone else’s blog (just whose escapes me now) and got interested because of your lovely photos of your boys AND the fact that your older son is exactly 2 days older than my only nephew.

Anyhoo, I enjoy your work. I even sent a link to this blog to a friend of mine with a 7-month-old son who lives in Austin! ;-)

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